Whether you are in general education or special education, teaching classroom routines is a key element of your classroom management plan, right? You need to teach your students to line up, how to handle not always being first in line, how to walk quietly in the halls, how to raise their hands and wait to be called on. And there is always a student who needs help understanding he can't always be first, or who gets upset when you call on someone else. These social narratives (stories) can help you be proactive and prevent problem behavior from happening by teaching the expectation and routines before the problems arise.
**This product is also included in a bundle offered at a discounted price: The Starter Kit for Successful Inclusion
Who is it For?
- General Education Preschool-3rd Grade
- Preschool or PreK classrooms
- Elementary & Middle School Special Education Classrooms
- Students with autism or other challenging behaviors related to the topics of the stories.
This set of social narratives is designed to help students learn the expectations of classroom routines and follow directions. Each story is in a format with one idea and picture on each page and an identical story in which the whole story is contained on 1 page with a picture for each idea next to the line.
What’s Included?
3 Lining Up Social Narratives
Lining up in Class: focuses on the expectations of lining up quietly in class
Walking in Line: Focuses on expectations and perspectives of walking quietly in the hallway keeping hands at their sides
I Can’t Always be First: Focuses on the disappointment of not being the line leaders with coping / perspective statements.
5 Stories About Raising Hands
Raising My Hand to Talk in Class: Focuses on strategies to keep from blurting out (deep breaths, counting)
Waiting to be Called on to Talk: Focuses on strategies to address disappointment at not being called on
When Someone Else Says My Answer: Focuses on when another student is called on and gives your answer and understanding that more than 1 student can have the same answer. I developed this one for a student who thought other students were stealing his answers.
When the Teacher Calls on Someone Else: This story focuses on coping and the perspective of other students and the teacher for a student who believes the teacher will think he doesn’t know the answer if he doesn’t yell it out.
Not Answering Upsets Me: This story focuses on not being called on for a student who becomes anxious when he has something to say and isn’t given the opportunity. Many students with autism have anxiety related to needing to say what they are thinking and this addresses coping strategies for that feeling.
1 Story About Directions to the Class
- focuses on understanding when a teacher gives a direction to the whole class it includes the target student as well and offers a coping strategy for when that student is unsure if the direction was meant for him/her.
8 Visual Cues
- to remind students of coping strategies and expectations
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This product is copyrighted by Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at chris@autismclassroomresources.com