Autism Adapted Vocabulary Books: Clothing Words

Type: digital

Students with autism will love these interactive books teaching receptive and expressive clothing vocabulary. The books are differentiated to work with early learners of the skills and increase complexity through the books as the student masters the skill. They can be used in morning meeting and group story times as interactive books that reinforce these concepts. They can also be used in discrete trials or PRT instruction 1-1 or in small groups to explicitly teach vocabulary.

The books are set up so that teachers can use errorless teaching, to prevent errors, or error correction as is appropriate for the students. Within the packet is a sequence of steps for teaching the skill in discrete trials as well as a data sheet for tracking progress.

Finally, once mastered, these books can easily be placed in a student’s independent work tasks and they can practice the receptive vocabulary they have mastered to maintain it.


What's Included

  • Let's Make a List adapted book focuses on just identifying the clothing item (e.g., find the hat).
  • Let's Go Clothes Shopping adapted book focuses on identifying clothing items by 1 characteristic (e.g., find the one you put on your head).
  • What Can We Find in the Closet? adapted book focuses on identifying clothing items by 2 characteristics (e.g., find the one that is blue and you wear on your head).
  • Teaching program and data sheet for tracking progress across the steps
  • Extension activities and differentiation suggestions Vocabulary pictures for manipulatives

This product may not be resold and can be copied for personal use within a classroom only. If extra copies are needed throughout a school district, please email for prices. © Christine Reeve 2013

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This product is copyrighted by Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at