Teachers have limited time to write out long notes home. Parents want concrete information about what their child with difficulties communicating did while at school. These home-notes are the perfect solution to this push and pull.
They provide objective, concrete information to families while allowing teachers to check off items. And as a bonus there are visuals to help cue the students to communicate about their days. And, they are editable. There is also a note for families to send back to school with information about what they did at home.
*Editable means that you can add text to the boxes with choices. Headings and Pictures are not editable.
These notes are also available for other age groups at Home School Communication **This product is also included in a bundle offered at a discounted price: The Starter Kit for Successful Inclusion
- Both the note to home and the note from home include pictures to assist students in communicating about their day at school and home as well. The pictures correspond to my classroom visual bundles.
- There are several daily form versions for each age level and each version has an editable version. There is also a weekly form that is more general.
- All the forms are also available in PowerPoint to add text boxes for easy editing.
- They are all designed to be check-off sheets with places for additional information so that teachers can check off information like the type of prompting needed, what was addressed, and how the student communicated or behaved during the day.
- The editable versions can be completed with the options and then printed out to be completed by hand, or they can be completed on the computer, saved, and either printed or emailed.
What’s Included?
• 8 Paper-and-Pencil illustrated Notes From School
• The same 8 notes above with editable check items
• The same 8 notes above in a PowerPoint to add text boxes to for the content (other than the titles and pictures)
• A structured note to send home for What I Did at Home (also in an editable version)
• 1 Weekly Note (Editable and Paper-and-Pencil)
No Product Will Be Mailed to You. You will need to print and create the product yourself.
This product is an electronic file download Adobe Acrobat file or a Zip File. No product will be mailed to you. You are responsible for assuring you have the needed software to open and print it.
Directions for construction are included in the file. Make sure you are opening it with Adobe Acrobat Reader (find it free here) and following the printing instructions included in the download.
If the product is a zip file, you may need to have an app like WinZip to unzip it on a PC.
This product is copyrighted by Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at chris@autismclassroomresources.com