Real-World Skills Grocery Shopping for Life Skills Classes

Type: Digital

Using math and reading in real life settings is essential for life skills students. This set of real-life activities involving the grocery store can help you teach functional literacy and math skills to your students.

This set includes differentiated materials to work on from money counting and next dollar up skills to calculating discounts, coupon use, check writing and more real-world skills.


Skills this set addresses:

  • Identify relevant information in sales flyers and coupons (e.g., expiration dates, limits of sales),
  • Applying sale discounts and coupon promotions,
  • Knowing the brand to buy that matches the sale, multiplying prices by number of items purchased and adding prices for a total,
  • Writing checks, and
  • Determining if there is enough money to make a purchase
  • Next-dollar strategy

Extend Instruction Beyond the Classroom These materials can be used with flyers from your local store. And it includes blank shopping lists, blank checks and registers, a coupon file folder activity and the coupon task cards 1-6 that can apply to any coupon. Students can also use the shopping list format to make a list for community-based trips and plan purchases before visiting the store.

Included in this package are:

  • A grocery store with dairy, bakery, meat counter, dry goods, and frozen food areas with prices
  • 5 worksheets with pictures for finding prices of single items in the store
  • 84 task cards for multiplying prices of multiple items from the grocery store (e.g., 3 pears)
  • A 3-page sale flyer for Pete’s Grocery Store
  • 3 worksheets focusing on functional reading skills in flyers (with and without word banks)
  • 30 coupons including discounts and buy-one-get-one-free (BOGO) offers
  • 128 task cards for calculating and answering questions about using the coupons
  • A file folder activity that coupons can be used with to change out and answer general questions about the coupon chosen
  • 10 worksheets with 2 or 3 items to find in the price in the store, the sale price and any relevant coupons and then add the total. Using the total, students will write a check and subtract the amount from a checking account balance.
  • 10 worksheets using the same items of the worksheets above, students will circle the bill combinations they can use to make the purchase and make change from a total given to the clerk.
  • 15 print-and-go worksheets that include 6-10 item shopping lists. Students can find the prices in the store, add any applicable sale flyer prices and coupons and find the total.
  • 1 blank shopping list that you can fill in for the students to determine prices from the store, flyers and coupons. Students can also use this on their own to plan shopping trips.
  • Blank sheet with checks and registers for use with the shopping lists.
  • A visual set of directions for completing the shopping list worksheets.
  • Answer keys for task cards and worksheets
Activities are copyrighted by Christine Reeve for single classroom use only. Please send others interested back to this site to download their own copy. Thank you for downloading and leaving feedback! If you have questions, please contact me at

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Directions for construction are included in the file.  Make sure you are opening it with Adobe Acrobat Reader (find it free here) and following the printing instructions included in the download.

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This product is copyrighted by Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at