Secondary Special Education-Autism Classroom Starter BUNDLE

$103.72 Regular price $115.25
Type: digital

Have you just taken over a middle or high school special education or autism-specific classroom?  This money-saving bundle will give you everything you need to get set up and started.  From directions and tutorials on creating your schedule and planning instruction, to working with staff and all the visuals supports to make your class run itself! 

This bundle saves you 10% off buying the products individually.  Download the bundle and take a deep breath while you create your schedule, your staff schedule and the visuals to get started!

What's Included?

✔ A professional toolkit with videos, an e-book manual and forms for planning out students' instruction based on their IEPs and creating the classroom schedule.

✔ A professional toolkit with videos, forms, and e-book manual for building a classroom vision, scheduling your staff, and creating a collaborative team within the room.

✔ Daily schedule visuals with a different solid color background for each student (up to 16 students) designed specifically for older students

✔ Word card schedules that are color coded as well for students who can read effectively

✔ Matching visuals for a group schedule and for check-in or docking stations

 Visuals for staff lanyards to use for redirection

✔ Mini-schedules for life skills, vocational skills, community instruction, leisure skills, and common academic routines to support students in and out of your room

✔ Classroom job visuals

 Calendar visuals

✔ Morning meeting routine visuals for communication and interaction (e.g., age-appropriate song board, adapted books)

✔ Staff visuals to use as reminders of prompt hierarchies, targets, and reinforcers for students

✔ Social stories for common classroom routines (e.g., lining up)

✔ Communication boards for engineering expressive communication throughout the classroom

✔ Structured work starter kit with all the directions and visuals to set up independent work systems

✔ Instructional and behavioral data sheets that you can add your student's information to in PowerPoint (includes self-graphing data sheets, rubrics, and rating scales among others)

✔ Home-School communication forms that are functional but practical for the secondary classroom

This bundle will help you get your classroom off the ground, whether you are starting out the year or making revisions mid-year. 

No Product Will Be Mailed to You. You will need to print and create the product yourself.

This product is an electronic file download Adobe Acrobat file or a Zip File. No product will be mailed to you.  You are responsible for assuring you have the needed software to open and print it. 

Directions for construction are included in the file.  Make sure you are opening it with Adobe Acrobat Reader (find it free here) and following the printing instructions included in the download.

If the product is a zip file, you may need to have an app like WinZip to unzip it on a PC.


This product is copyrighted by Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at