Using a fun frog theme, these 8-11 common-core -aligned file folders are perfect to practicing basic matching skills for early academics.. Focusing on colors, shapes, numbers and counting, this set makes between 8 and 11 file folders activities, depending on how you put them together, and will make excellent spring resources for centers in younger elementary or preschool classrooms. They are also perfect for independent work systems in autism and special education classrooms.
This set is designed to assure that what the student is learning is the skill targeted. For instance, all the numbers are on the same color items so that the student doesn’t learn to match the colors instead of the number. The set features common elements of fall including leaves and pumpkins but avoids Halloween-specific items for schools that cannot use them.
This Product is Available in These Bundles
Structured Work System Starter Bundle Autism Basic Skills Kit and Tasks
Autism Basic Skills Matching Tasks Bundle
What's Included?
- 1 file folder matching six colors
- 1 file folder matching colors to color words
- 1 file folder matching capital letters to capital letters
- 1 file folder matching capital letters to lowercase letters
- 1 file folder matching lowercase letters to lowercase letters
- 1 file folder matching numbers to numerals (1-20) (this could be split into 2)
- 1 file folder matching numbers to sets (1-20) (this could be split into 2)
- 1 file folder matching numbers to number words (1-20) (this could be split into 2)
Each file folder has pages with the pieces that have directions about which file folder they match, labels for the front of the file folder and labels for the file tab.
Core Standard Alignment
- CCSS Math Content K.CC.B.5: Count to answer “how many about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array or a circle
- CCSS ELA-Literacy RF.K.1d Recognize and and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet
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Directions for construction are included in the file. Make sure you are opening it with Adobe Acrobat Reader (find it free here) and following the printing instructions included in the download.
If the product is a zip file, you may need to have an app like WinZip to unzip it on a PC.
This product is copyrighted by Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at