If you are a general education teacher who has a student with autism included in your classroom, or if you collaborate with general educators who do, this toolkit has everything you need to get your student(s) started on the right track.
In addition to visual and behavioral supports, a parent communication system, and social narratives and communication boards, this set includes simple instructions on how to implement them all.
What's Included
✔️Punch Out Reinforcer Cards
✔️Token Boards: Thumbs Up for Behavior Management
✔️Autism Classroom Mini-Schedules for General School Activities
✔️Classroom Engineering Communication Boards
✔️I Can Stay Calm: Social Narratives & Visual Supports
✔️Home School Communication Notes-Elementary
✔️Contingency Map Templates for Behavioral Problem Solving (autism, special ed)
✔️Playground Schedule and Script Freebie (Autism, Special Education)
✔️Plus an individual picture schedule, individual written schedule cards, visual cueing belt, first-then board, and stop signs
✔️All with directions on how to use them.
While the kit does not provide everything you need to provide supports to a student with disabilities, it will get you started on the right path. The elements of the kit are designed to help you be proactive in working with a student with autism or other disabilities. It contains elements designed to prevent challenging behavior. This keeps the team from having to react to behavior as frequently and makes it more likely that the time the student spends in your class will be productive.
No Product Will Be Mailed to You. You will need to print and create the product yourself.
This product is an electronic file download Adobe Acrobat file or a Zip File. No product will be mailed to you. You are responsible for assuring you have the needed software to open and print it.
Directions for construction are included in the file. Make sure you are opening it with Adobe Acrobat Reader (find it free here) and following the printing instructions included in the download.
If the product is a zip file, you may need to have an app like WinZip to unzip it on a PC.
This product is copyrighted by Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at chris@autismclassroomresources.com