Whether you teach general education or special education, chances are good that you have students who think everything needs to be perfect and meltdown when they make a mistake. This toolkit of behavioral tools and social narratives (like social stories) is just what you need to be proactive in teaching them to cope with mistakes.
Who Is It For?
I have used these strategies successfully with a wide variety of students in a variety of situations and settings:
- Preschool to High School
- Students with with and without autism or special needs.
- Students who struggle with anxiety or other behavioral challenges.
- Each social narrative includes descriptive sentences, perspective sentences that talk about how other students and the teachers perceive the student’s behavior, and coping strategies to help the student use the new replacement behavior.
- These social narratives and tools teach students to handle mistakes using a growth mindset approach, assessing the size of the problem strategies as well as contingency maps.
- Each story is in a format with one idea and picture on each page and an identical story in which the whole story is contained on 1 page with a picture for each idea next to the line.
What’s Included?
Social Stories
It’s Ok to Make a Mistake focuses on calming down when something isn’t perfect.
I Can Ask for Help focuses on understanding the student can ask for and accept help.
I Can Handle Making a Mistake focuses on reminders that mistakes can be erased and corrected.
Mistakes Don’t Mean I’m Bad was designed for students who think in a black and white manner so that doing one thing wrong makes them or their work bad. It includes coping statements and reminders.
Most Mistakes are Small Problems uses the Big Problem/Small Problem scale to share ideas about small problems and small reactions.
I Can Learn From My Mistakes uses a growth mindset approach to help students know they can learn not to make the mistake again or ask others how to do it correctly to avoid the mistake next time.
Behavior Tools
Graphic Organizers 5 formats to help students determine the size of the problem and chart the appropriate reaction.
- 5-Point scales in multiple formats
Size of the Problem 3 formats to use with the size of my problem approach.
- Contingency Maps
- 8 completed contingency maps and
- 2 blank forms to use with pictures corresponding to the social stories to make your own
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This product is copyrighted by Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at chris@autismclassroomresources.com